“March Checkist For A Smooth-Running Home”–From www.Houzz.com

It may not be spring-like weather in your area, and I’m truly sorry winter has been so horrendous for so many people. 

While you’re suffering from cabin fever and sunlight deprivation, your house could use some cheering up as well!

Read this great article directly from www.Houzz.com to get you started. 

All photos are from the www.Houzz.com article.

Here’s the link:  http://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/22344040?utm_source=Houzz&utm_campaign=u447&utm_medium=email&utm_content=gallery0

I hope some of these ideas can motivate and lift you out of your winter blues and into your “Spring is just around the corner” mood!


Extreme Home Office Makeover done by Sarah Buckwalter, professional organizer, shows the before, during, and after of this extreme makeover. Much credit is given to The Container Store for products and shelving systems used.

Yes, decluttering by removing and relocating most of the clutter took many hours and two people, but the results are astounding. http://www.organizingboston.com video from Sarah Buckwalter on youtube.com

If you have such a “catch-all” room in your home, it is wasted space you could be using to run your business or just run your home, for better financial and personal organization and efficiency. Advice: first step is emptying the room and relocating/purging the clutter!

How To Organize Your Office (or home office)—By Professional Organizer Collette Robicheau
From http://www.organizeanything.com Video from youtube.com
By using lateral files, filing cabinets, and purging often, you’ll see some excellent ways to change your behavior and be good to your office. Step-by-step and easy peasy!