“March Checkist For A Smooth-Running Home”–From www.Houzz.com

It may not be spring-like weather in your area, and I’m truly sorry winter has been so horrendous for so many people. 

While you’re suffering from cabin fever and sunlight deprivation, your house could use some cheering up as well!

Read this great article directly from www.Houzz.com to get you started. 

All photos are from the www.Houzz.com article.

Here’s the link:  http://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/22344040?utm_source=Houzz&utm_campaign=u447&utm_medium=email&utm_content=gallery0

I hope some of these ideas can motivate and lift you out of your winter blues and into your “Spring is just around the corner” mood!


Brooks Palmer, professional organizer and author of two books on busting clutter, is shown in action as he works with his client to address and solve her clutter issues.

Although this is an older video from youtube.com, Brooks’ second book was published in 2012.
The emotional attachment, both good and bad, affects how we deal with our “stuff.” Find out what makes you unhappy and get rid of it to enjoy your life in the here and now. You will feel fabulous. Really fabulous!